
Digital roundup

BY Goods & Services

A few digital odds and ends, from iPhone versus Android to mobile versus desktop. Plus, Yahoo moves in on Mozilla’s breakup with Google.

iPhone still ahead in ways that matter

Yes, we all know that Android devices are constantly gaining market share, but did you know that the median iPhone user earns 40% more than the Android phone user (US$85K versus US$61K annual income)? Add to that the fact that iPhone users spend nine more hours per month with their apps, and it’s clear that the battle is far from over.

For Yahoo, just showing up can be enough

On December 1, 2014, Mozilla ended a 10-year relationship with Google and started a new one with Yahoo in the US and Canada. As a result, Yahoo is the default search engine for Firefox. In the time since, the ailing Yahoo has gone from 8.6% of usage share in the US (pre-deal in November) to 10.9% in January—an increase of more than 26%.

Why did Mozilla end the relationship? Some say money, but Mozilla has been very critical of Google’s (and Apple’s) degree of control over users’ experiences, access to content, personal data and payment systems; not mincing words, the foundation’s chairperson, Mitchell Baker, blogged that “this direction for the Internet sucks.”

Facebook more than doubles Instagram use

In spite of everyone claiming that Facebook’s popularity is tanking in younger demographics, its share of mobile time for 18- to 24-year-olds is still more than double that of Instagram (14.8% versus 6.6%). In older age groups, the spread gets higher (18.5% versus 2.7% for 25-to-34s, 18.4% versus 1.2% for 35-to-54s). Better not take down your company Facebook page just yet.

Mobile overtakes desktop—good news for apps

Late in 2014, online watchers’ predictions came true, almost precisely on target: online mobile had overtaken desktop usage, to the tune of a 60/40 ratio.

What wasn’t spoken about as much was the type of usage we were looking at. In case we forget that the behaviours are as important as the stats, it’s worth pointing out that mobile users don’t “surf the web” like desktop users used to do.

Marketers take note: apps rule the mobile world. Smartphones use browsers for only 12% of all activity; tablets only 18%.