Sway is a journal dedicated to helping you make your brand the best it can be. We create it to showcase and share our agency knowledge, expertise and insights in branding, graphic design, marketing, advertising and communications. Get the latest insights and updates here!
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3 tips for a more accessible website
BY Kristin Maling
As business owners and marketers, accessibility helps us reach a broader audience and communicate with them more equitably.
Selling your company? Good branding can increase your valuation.
BY Sue McCluskey
An investment in branding can increase your company valuation by as much as 20%.
The art & science of typeface selection
BY Taylor Toth
The right typeface is an integral part of your brand’s visual language. It influences how your brand is perceived and remembered. Selecting a typeface is an important decision—and, in addition to your choice of style, you must also account for technical requirements, function and cost.
TS&SS: 02
BY Neeti Vijaykumar & Sam Croll
A semi-annual survey of salient sundries and statistics supporting scalable, saleable strategies for small- to super-sized shops, syndicates and service-providers
Unlock the power of your key messages
BY Mike Barber
When you’re building a brand, your visual identity can only communicate so much. You’ll also need to put pen to paper and tell your customers what makes you worth their time and money. You'll need key messages.
Beware the vampire effect in advertising
BY Mike Barber
When everybody else relies on celebrity endorsements, you’ll need to choose a different tactic to stand out.
TS&SS: 01
BY Neeti Vijaykumar & Sam Croll
A semi-annual survey of salient sundries and statistics supporting scalable, saleable strategies for small- to super-sized shops, syndicates and service-providers
Thinking of rebranding?
BY Carey George
Knowing what to do to prepare for a rebrand will make the initiative go a LOT more smoothly. From timings to budget to preparing the creative brief, here are 4 tips that will save you hassles and headaches.
B2B communications: It doesn’t have to sound the same
BY Mike Barber
There’s no shame in having a B2B brand voice that’s similar to that of your competitors. But that’s no excuse for boring writing.
GA4 has arrived—here are 9 ways to leverage its power
BY Neeti Vijaykumar
As of July 2023, Google Analytics 4 replaces Universal Analytics. Even after you’ve migrated your website analytics, there’s a lot to know about this powerful upgrade, which now includes AI, machine learning and improved data protection.
The case against capitalizing
BY Mike Barber
Bigger isn't always better when making your writing stand out.
The new perspective
BY Sue McCluskey
How vertical video went from an embarrassment to the norm
5 (free) ways to tighten up your brand communication
BY Sam Croll
Sales tactics are fine, but wouldn’t it be great to have your customers seek you out for a change?
What a (not-so) long, strange trip it’s been
BY Mike Barber
Since Canada legalized cannabis in 2018, the ups and downs of marijuana marketing is starting to settle down into a clearer path forward for brands.
To build or to code? That’s the website question.
BY Carey George and Kristin Maling
Squarespace, Wix and Shopify have all grown up—and they’re taking over. That’s a good thing.
What’s the secret behind a good logo?
BY Carey George
Logos are everywhere, but how well do we really understand them?
Bring your brand online (without breaking the bank)
BY Mike Barber
Start thinking beyond just making your goods or services available online.
Measure Smarter, Not Harder
BY Neeti Vijaykumar
Part two of a two-part series on that most elusive of questions: “I know my company needs to be on social media, but is it worth it?”
Seven rules of influencer marketing
BY Mike Kanert
Step aside, celebrity endorsement, and make way for influencer marketing.
So, you’ve decided to join #Twitter
BY Mike Barber
It’s 2020, and everyone is on Twitter.
If you build it, will they still come?
BY Mike Barber
Street construction can hamper pedestrian traffic to small businesses. Here are a few tips to survive the downturn.
Woke? Or joke?
BY Mike Barber
Customers increasingly expect brands to stand up for causes—just make sure you don’t overstate your case.
Spend smarter, not harder
BY Neeti Vijaykumar
Measuring return on investment for your social media spend
Light up your cannabis brand
BY Mike Kanert
As legal green settles over Canada, how will pot producers blow through the branding haze?
Meme marketing
BY Dylan Schoenmakers
When brands adopt the internet’s native tongue
Sequels, spinoffs and slip-ups
BY Carsten Knox
Brand extensions—a help or a hindrance?
4 lessons marketers can learn from the best (and worst) Super Bowl ads
BY Erinn Steringa
Even if you’re not shelling out for a spot in the big game, there’s still plenty to learn from the brands who do
From Acapulco to Zurich
BY Mike Barber
For cities of all sizes, branding offers all kinds of opportunities—and plenty of challenges
Stand down, grammar police
BY Lisa Svadjian
Some of the rules that govern your writing are just plain fake
Should long URLs ever have capital letters?
BY Sue McCluskey
The catastrophe that wasn’t
BY Carsten Knox
Too big to fail? When massive PR failures extend to an entire industry, nobody loses for long.
Whatever you call it, it’s home
BY Mike Barber
Why we’re not celebrating Tuponia’s 150th
Editorial: The truth, the post-truth and nothing but the truth
BY Sue McCluskey
It's no surprise that “fake news” was Collins Dictionary's 2017 Word of the Year. Less expected? The role marketing technologies have played in its rise.
Fear and branding on the campaign trail
BY Carey George
8 marketing rules shared between the Obama and Trump presidential campaigns
Upping the game
BY Mike Barber
The NBA’s branding efforts are in a league of their own
Book review: Visual Hammer
BY Dylan Schoenmakers
Laura Ries explains why great taglines need great visuals, too.
Branding brew-ha-ha
BY Mike Barber
With craft beer, authenticity is everything. So why does Big Beer keep buying up smaller brands?
Book review: Battlecry
BY Mike Barber
Thoughts on what makes an effective slogan from author Laura Ries.
#effortless or #elaborate?
BY Carey George
The Instagram look is the style du jour, but this interview with photographer Sandy Nicholson reminds us it's not as easy as it looks.
In case you missed it
BY Goods & Services
Uber fails, The Met flails, the World’s Most Interesting Man takes sail, Fashion Santa derails and more from the branding world.
The name is the game
BY Sue McCluskey
Naming a brand can be as emotional as naming a child—so here are some tips to help you stay objective through the process.
Branding chops
BY Megan Power
A case study of how a bold concept and provocative branding have made a splash in a saturated category.
Staying “flawsome”
BY Megan Power
An apology campaign can enhance your brand’s image—but like a personal apology, it only works if you don’t mess it up.
Stranger danger
BY Jeff Denham
As trolls become an actual liability for online publishers, we say goodbye (and good riddance!) to anonymous comments.
Flying colours
BY Carey George
Advice on how to make colour choices less subjective—and more visually powerful—in your brand arsenal.
Message from the editor
BY Sue McCluskey
A reminder that history repeats itself as technologies change, from Luddites to Uber.
Print pointers: Digital vs. offset?
BY Derek Moxon
Advancements in printing technology mean more and more options are becoming available to your business.
Protect your site, analytics from spam bots
BY Jeff Denham
Notice a spike in your website traffic lately? Watch out! It could be the latest spam tactic.
Time’s up, USP
BY Carey George
The “unique selling proposition” has outlived its usefulness. Give it a gold watch and show it the door.
Hey, meatball
BY Carey George
What a small, super-specialized restaurant can teach us about positioning.
Digital roundup
BY Goods & Services
A few digital odds and ends, from iPhone versus Android to mobile versus desktop. Plus, Yahoo moves in on Mozilla’s breakup with Google.
BY Lisa Svadjian
Attention-seeking headlines: effective marketing tool, or annoying copywriting gimmick?
The rules of engagement
BY Sue McCluskey & Carey George
Are your employees owners, renters or squatters? Internal branding can help you get them to take more ownership.
BY Sue McCluskey
Streaming services are changing the way we relate to television. Will the 22- or 47-minute episode survive?
Playing the stock market
BY Conan Tobias & Carey George
Think you can’t afford to use custom photography? The truth is, in some industries, you can’t afford not to.
Is anyone listening?
BY Sue McCluskey
Stop telling consumers everything about your story, and start telling them how you fit into their story.
Super content
BY Rachel Kenworthy
Now that we’re living in the golden age of branded content, it’s time to rethink the role of the copy writer.
Book review: Brand New
BY Lisa Svadjian
Brand master Wally Olins offers his final advice, in a book that should see us well into the future.
Messages from the editor & publisher
BY Sue McCluskey & Carey George
An introduction to Sway, a preview of this issue, and the reasons why we launched this journal.
Book review: Think Like a Freak
BY Rachel Kenworthy
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner tell you how to think better by letting go of your fear of being wrong.
Branding with vulgarity
BY Lisa Svadjian
If you’re looking to introduce vulgarity to your branding—whether for humour or shock value, or both—handle it with care.